Friday, July 1, 2016

Quo Vadis EU

We are Europe, de facto, with direct connection to representatives, and a chamber that makes coherent choices.

Europe becomes increasingly multifactorial, no longer a need to bundle votes.

I can vote for 0.3 of ecology, 0.2 for english traditions, 0.1 for welsh traditions, 0.4 for a digital tools

I can vote against 0.5 of erroneous simplification, 0.4 of erroneous accounts.

The European Union can develop Opt In and Opt Out. Did any of us know the mechanisms of
Enhanced Cooperation until we decided to understand what was happening.

The United Queendom needs to vote again, rescind a democratic anomaly.
The referendum was voted in an environment of misleading information and exclusion of voters.

British citizens vote in European Parliament elections, British residents vote on healthcare, transport.

Another shock; one language for politics, one sciences for ecology, one numerical model for economics.

The UK Members of Parlement need to vote down the past referendum and vote up for a better European Commission.